Monday, May 11, 2020

evening snack time

Today is 'eat what you want day' (I heard this one on the news so it must be true). I'm blogging a little earlier than usual so you have time for a bed time snack if you're so inclined.  I personally am a big fan of a bed time snack or an evening while watching TV snack.  Face it, I'm a big fan of snacks.  In the true spirit of the day, I had leftover pizza and cookies for supper.  There were a few veggies on the pizza so it wasn't all junk food.  Now I need to decided what I want for my evening snack.  Will it be cookies or mixed nuts or crackers and peanut butter?  So many choices.  I could have an apple but it would have to be with something else.  Decisions, decisions.  What's a snackoholic to do?  Graze on friends. 

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