Wednesday, June 12, 2024

An Ode to Cookies...

                                                 Cookies are delectable,

                                 Cookies are delightful.

                                 Cookies can make any day

                                 Considerably less frightful.

Of course I'm talking about the edible kind of cookies, not the annoying kind that show up on my phone and laptop.  I was inspired to write about cookies this evening by my west coast brother's observation that today is "National Peanut Butter Cookie Day."  It's also "National Jerky Day" but that's something to chew on for another time.  I think cookies are possibly the very best kind of dessert.  Think about it.  If you're entertaining and offer your guests big slices of cake they may accept or they may decline, but if you pass around a plate of cookies they'll take one or two, and when you pass the plate again they will take more.  Cupcakes are good but the frosting is often messy.  Pies are tasty, but if your entertaining 6-8 people the pie is gone in one serving.  Even if you have two pies people seldom take more than one piece.  Unless of course they take two smaller pieces to get a taste of each kind of pie, but how much easier to simply pass around a variety of cookies.  And if you're with really good friends you can dunk cookies in coffee.  You can't do that with pie or cake or cupcakes.  I rest my case.  I think it's time for my bed-time cookie now.

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