Saturday, June 15, 2024

from the west...

 My west coast brother has informed me that today is Wind and Lightning Day.  I don't know about you but I am not overly fond of lightning.  Although it can be very dramatic.  I do, however, like wind very much.  When I was a youngster we lived in the country, with fields stretching off to the west of our house.  I remember clearly standing on the back porch, facing west, when a storm was coming, and letting the wind blow against me with such force that I felt I could almost fly.  Years later, when I lived in a tenth floor apartment with a north facing balcony, I was able to replicate the experience.  The wind was wonderfully strong sometimes.  Of course it was often followed by thunder and lightning, at which time I would wisely move inside.  The next time you have a chance, stand outside and let the wind caress you.  I promise you, you'll love the experience. 

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