Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Down memory lane...

 Or in this case, memory corner.  At 12:15pm today my husband and I attended a short organ concert at Trinity English Lutheran Church in down town Fort Wayne. This was part of German Fest.  The organist was Bob Hobby, an excellent musician.  A lovely start to German Fest.  After the concert we decided to drive out east of town to our favorite Amish bakery to buy some apple bread as a hostess gift for our daughter-in-law. We are driving to Wisconsin tomorrow to attend a grandson's eighth grade graduation.  I'm excited to be going, but won't be able to blog for a couple of nights.  My spouse decided that, instead of driving through town as we would on our usual way home and further east he would drive out toward New Haven, then north on I469 to  get to the country area NE of Fort Wayne where the bakery is located.  "Longer but faster." was his reasoning.  Sadly, this plan was foiled by a massive traffic back up on the interstate.  Happily, we could see the problem before we got on and were able to turn back and go through New Haven.  Sadly, there was road construction in New Haven which caused us to take some less used streets.  Happily, this took us past the corner of Green and Summit streets, and there, right where I remembered it, was the little building that I blogged about recently in my blog about penny candy.  Unhappily, it's not a candy store any more.  Instead it's a spa/beauty shop.  Still it was fun to see that the little building was still standing.  Sweet memories.  In case you're wondering, we did, finally make it to the bakery.  

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