Monday, June 17, 2024


 Today is "Take Your Cat to Work Day."  As you might have guessed, this information came from my west coast brother who quickly assured me that his cat, Ace, did not approve of this idea at all.  That text exchange left me wondering why anyone would think taking their cat to work would be a great idea, unless, of course, you were a veterinarian or had a really serious rodent infestation, and then only if the cat was a good mouser.  Now don't get me wrong.  I have had several cats in my life and I loved them all, but not one of them ever expressed an interest in going somewhere in a car.  Dogs yes, they're ready to go anytime, anywhere. Well, maybe not to the Vet.  but if you're clever you don't tell them where they're going.  Cats, as I was saying, have a strong disinclination to go anywhere in a moving vehicle.  I tried to take the family cat, Hercules (my father named our pets when I was little) for a ride in my doll buggy.  He did not cooperate.  On the other hand, cats are very happy to walk around on top of cars.  I used to let mine play in our attached garage from time to time.  We lived in the country and it really did keep field mice from getting into the house.  But there were many mornings, when I got into my car to drive to work, that I was treated to a pattern of paw prints across my windshield.  Paw prints can go along to work, or the nearest carwash, but never cats.  

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