Friday, June 7, 2024

We're back...

 My husband and I just got back from a three day trip to Wisconsin for his 14 year old grandson's eight grade graduation.  We had a wonderful family visit with so much great food that I still feel happily satiated.  The ceremony itself was very well done.  There were 94 students in the class and I was impressed with the organization and presentation of the ceremony.  With all of the speeches, music performed by the band and the choir, and certificates awarded, the whole event was over in 45 minutes.  Well done everyone.  Then dinner at the country club which was elegant and delicious.  I must tell you here that my daughter-in-law is a masterful organizer and hostess. Her table settings, at home and at the country club, were a joy to behold, even before the food was served.  On a purely selfish note, one of the highlights of yesterday morning was a driving tour of downtown and suburban Milwaukee that my spouse's  son took us on. That may not seem like much of a treat until I tell you that it was a glorious warm sunny day and he drove us around in their 1966 cherry red Mustang convertible with the top down.  It was bliss.  It also brought back some memories such as the fact that I got my first ever speeding ticket while driving a 1966 red Mustang.  I will tell you that story in tomorrow's blog.

One of the beautiful old buildings in downtown Milwaukee, as seen from the Mustang.
What we were really there for.  Here's the best shot I could get of our grandson walking across the stage after receiving his certificate.  Congratulations!!!

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