Thursday, June 20, 2024

eat up...

 Such an assortment.  My west coast brother informed me that today is, besides being the first day of summer, American Eagle Day, Cuckoo Warning Day, National Ice Cream Soda Day, National Plain Yogurt Day and, last but not least, Kouign Amann Day.  So first, Happy Summer Solstice, although I admit I'm not excited to think about the days getting shorter.  As for American eagles, I've seen some in trees and flying.  I love to see any kind of hawk soaring with the thermals. As for cuckoo warnings, we have a lovely little cuckoo clock from Germany that needs to be wound daily but does give us warnings, every hour and half hour.  Ice cream sodas are a summertime treat that I have enjoyed since my childhood when we could order them at the counter in the drug store.  I don't think we need to discuss plain yogurt.  I prefer mine with fruit.  However, when it comes to Kouign Amann, I must admit I have never experienced it.  I did look it up though, and it sounds delicious.  It is a round crusty cake, made with yeast-raised dough folded with layers of butter and sugar.  Similar to a croissant.  I have never, ever heard of this treat but Google offers many variations on the basic recipe.  I have no plans to bake this delectable sounding concoction but if anyone knows where it can be purchased in this area, please let me know.  I will ask my daughter-in-law, the French teacher, how to pronounce it.  

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