Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Doctor, doctor...

My west coast brother informed me that today is "Pizza Margherita Day," "National German Chocolate Cake Day," and also "Corn on the Cob Day."  He neglected to tell me that it's also "National Call Your Doctor Day."  Perhaps he assumed that would happen anyway if you ate enough of the pizza, cake and corn on the cob (with plenty of butter of course).  But when you think about it, this is really a day full of nutritious eating.  The pizza has lots of wonderful cheese and tomatoes, so calcium and vegetables (I know, I know, tomato is a fruit but work with me here).  Corn is obviously a vegetable and German chocolate cake contains chocolate (a basic food group) and coconut and nuts in the topping.  These are definitely good for you.  What a great diet.  Dig in.  By the way did you know that the state of Iowa is the number one corn growing state in the USA.  Although the world's only Corn Palace is in Mitchell, South Dakota.  In case you're heading that way, they have a Corn Palace Festival in August. To finish up this corn filled blog here are some guarantied corny jokes:  

Why did the frog take the bus to work?  His car got toad.

What do you call a sleeping bull?  A bulldozer.

Why do cows wear bells?  Their horns don't work.

Why did the car take a nap?  It was tired.

Ok, that's it.  Way too much corn for one blog.  Just remember to take it with a grain of salt (and lots of butter).

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