Monday, June 3, 2024

it's a matter of taste....

 Today my spouse and I got into a long discussion about buttermilk. As you may surmise, I'm not the only one in this family who is easily entertained.  I don't remember exactly how the conversation started.  It may have had something to do with the sour milk we had to throw away before he fixed our refrigerator.  However it started, I was surprised to learn that he has never tasted buttermilk.  As far as I can tell, he doesn't plan to start now.  I assured him that it's a very good, refreshing summer drink.  Of course he started researching it on his laptop as we talked.  To make buttermilk (it's helpful if you have a cow for this part) you take very rich creamy whole milk and churn it until a big lump of butter forms.  The liquid that is left is buttermilk, hence the name.  It's basically skim milk with a bit of a tang.  As the research continued, we came upon lots of recipes using buttermilk and a tip on how to create "buttermilk" for cooking by mixing a little vinegar with milk.  I actually remembered that tip from my 4H baking days.  The mouth watering recipes included many variations on buttermilk biscuits, waffles and pancakes.  I can't wait for him to whip up some bacon cheddar buttermilk biscuits.  Yum!!  I promise to drink the left over buttermilk.   

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