Friday, June 28, 2024

going back in time...

 Today my spouse and I took a trip to the Amish bakery out east of Fort Wayne.  I know I've talked about the wonders of the bakery before and it didn't disappoint, but today I was also really enjoying the scenery.  Obviously we were in Amish territory and it almost felt like a trip back in time.  We passed two young boys driving their horse drawn cart, and saw so many horses in the pastures.  Some were big muscular plow horses while others had the elegant bodies of carriage horses.  It was especially fun to see the babies, I mean foals.  So many of them in some pastures.  The corn in the fields was knee high and looking good.  Laundry, hung on clothes lines, waved in the breeze.  Talk about a "green" way to dry clothes.  What a way to save the planet.  There were some signs of the 21st century of course.  Cars passing on the roads, and, most fun of all, there were large arrays of solar panels on many of the barn roofs.  I guess if there aren't any visible power lines running to the house it's all ok.  I've known several Amish who have had cell phones for years.  It's really not easy to make a living in this country without making some adjustments to modern life, and I applaud them for adjusting where they must, but I still really enjoyed the beautiful rural scenery we drove through.  Then we drove home in our air-conditioned car and ate humungous cinnamon rolls for lunch.  Ah, the good life.  

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