Monday, June 10, 2024

How many???

 So, having read yesterday's blog, you may be wondering, if that was her first speeding ticket, how many more were there?  The simple answer is none.  At least not so far.  But my 2015 Fiat 500L is not a speed machine so I think I'm safe.  That's not to say I never got pulled over.  In 1967, when I was driving from upstate New York to the city, I got pulled over.  Mind you my 1955 white Corvair did not look like a speeding sports car.  I believe the nice policeman noticed that my bottom lip was quivering (I did not cry) and just gave me a warning.  And so it went, a few warnings but no tickets.  I actually got pulled over once while driving one of the earliest Toyota mini-vans.  This car could not speed unless going downhill with a strong tail wind, which I evidently had.  I think the trooper was about to write a ticket until he spotted my two snickering teenagers and took pity on me.  One more episode comes to mind.  I was driving into Fort Wayne early one Saturday morning in my Buick Rendezvous, loaded with lots of boxes and bundles.  In my defense, I had driven this stretch of road many, many times before but the speed limit had recently been reduced.  I saw the flashing lights, obediently pulled over, and rolled down my window,  The conversation went something like this.  Note: at this point, I was much too old for a quivering lower lip to work.

"Where are you going in such a hurry mam?" 

"To church."  

"To church on a Saturday?"  

"Yes, we're having our giant garage sale, and I'm taking some things to the sale."  

"Which church is this?" 

"First Presbyterian, down town."

"What time do the doors open?"


After that exchange, he let me go with a warning.  I think I saw him at the sale later in the day.

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