Saturday, March 21, 2020

Enjoying the moment.

I'm all for social distancing.  I'm happy to spend my days (for a while anyway) alone in my apartment with an occasional stroll out on my balcony to breathe fresh air.  Inside my apartment building it's a little bit like a ghost town.  I went to the laundry room and had all 10 washers and dryers to myself.  Happily I didn't have that much laundry.  Most days I go down to the lobby to get my mail about 5:00pm when lots of people are getting home from work.  Yesterday and today I didn't see a soul.  The mail was there so obviously life is going on. There are signs in the elevators asking residents to try to limit ourselves to no more than two people on the elevator at a time.  So far that hasn't been a problem.  I know there are people out there, I  hear voices and footsteps from time to time but I'm really glad I have technology to help me feel like I'm in touch with the outside world.  Today, I actually had a real live telephone call from an out-of-town friend and relaxed and took time for a nice long conversation.  This whole situation remnds me of a conversation I had with my daughter when she was a young teen and I was transitioning from one job to another. I said to her that now my schedule had changed and I would be home when she got home from school.  Her too honest response was "That'll be nice........for a while."  

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