Friday, March 27, 2020

the great escape

I left my Fortress of Solitude this morning, rode down in the descent pod, avoiding all contact with other beings, hopped in my personal transport vehicle, charged up and out of the bat cave and I was on my way.  It was so exciting.  I was free, for the first time in 14 days, if only for an hour.  I really needed to do some banking and I was able to complete my transaction at the drive-through window.  While I was out and about, I managed to avoid close contact with anyone, so I don't think I really violated any social distancing rules.  In what may be an excess of caution, I spread out the cash I got at the bank and sprayed it thoroughly, both sides, with disinfectant spray.  So now, when I pop those $5 bills in Easter cards for my great nieces and nephews I won't worry about sending any virus their way.  I just need to remember not to lick the envelopes.  

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