Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Great Outdoors1

I took a quick walk outside this afternoon.  I know, no big deal, right?  But I had come to the point where just standing on my balcony wasn't quite enough.  Mind you, standing on my balcony is an excellent way to practice 'social distancing' and deep breathing at the same time.  The nearest neighbor's balcony is at least 25 feet away with no ledge between the two.  But, back to my walk outside.  I was very careful, followed all the rules.  No more than two people in an elevator at a time, and nobody close by as I walked.  What I discovered, to my delight, was that, while I've been staying in, Mother Nature has been coming out.  Trees and bushes are budding, birds were twittering all around me, and, glory of glories, the sun was shining.  Wow, I might just have to go walking again tomorrow. If I'm not careful I might even develop a healthy habit.  Time will tell (and I seem to have plenty of that.)

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