Saturday, March 7, 2020

one more concern

Still pondering the problems being raised by this Coronavirus issue.  Besides the obvious - it will make you sick, and we all need to wash our hands - it's suggested that we stop shaking hands and do elbow bumps, and stand back and wave.  Believe me this is going to make the Sunday morning 'passing of the peace' at my church look really different.  But my concern is more personal.  Grace is not my middle name.  Friends who know me well, and most casual aquaintances, know that I am not very coordinated. There's a reason that archery was my best sport in college.  You don't need to move your hands and feet at the same time.  So now I'm being told that I need to bump elbows.  I'm going to be so embarrassed when I aim my elbow toward someone elses and miss completely or worse, poke someone in the eye.  Perhaps waving from a distance is my best option.  Tomorrow is Sunday.  We shall see.  

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