Sunday, March 8, 2020

Forward March

I love March.  I don't mind the wind, the chill or the rain and a rare day like today is a real blessing,  March is a hopeful month.  Spring will be here soon.  According to one of my favorite Google lists, March is Women's History Month and also National Umbrella Month.  This brings to mind a bit of my history. When I was about seven years old (did I mention this is ancient history?) my mother bought an umbrella for me from a peddlar who came to our door selling umbrellas and other goodies.  At that time I walked to school so an umbrella was a good idea.  This was a beautiful child-size green plaid umbrella with a carved squirrel for the handle. It was a beautiful umbrella and I loved it, especially that cute carved handle.  No idea whatever happened to that umbrella but I enjoyed it in the moment.  So there you are, a happy March memory,  

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