Thursday, March 19, 2020

Silver linings

It's a sad comment about our current situation that the high point of my week so far was my appointment to have my taxes done this morning. I was out of my apartment for a while and interacting (at a distance) with real, live people.  I actually also slipped into the grocery store for a few items on my way home and saw lots of empty shelves for the first time.  I also saw workers cleaning shelves so that was good. In the bad news - good news catagory I learned that I owe more in taxes than I expected, but, when I checked my voice mail, also learned that the trip I was planning to go on this summer has been cancelled and I will be getting my payment refunded.  So I won't get to visit France and Switzerland in June, but I will be able to pay my taxes.  I guess that's a silver lining????

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