Tuesday, March 31, 2020

cmfort food

I made macaroni and cheese for supper tonight.  Nothing fancy, I'm talking about Kraft's, following the package directions.  It tasted good and brought back some fun memories.  Macaroni and cheese was always one of my grandchildren's favorites and recently, when two of them were visiting (before we were isolated) I fixed mac and cheess for them and they still loved it.  When they were living with me, way back when one was in pre-school and one in first grade, they had a friend in the neighborhood who would come to play from time to time.  We didn't call it a play date, he just came to play.  I'm pretty sure his mom fed him a healthful, all natural diet so he had never tasted Kraft's macaroni and cheese until I fixed it for lunch one day when he was there.  It was love at first bite.  From then on, all he ever wanted when he came for lunch was mac and cheese. and lots of it.  I usually would mix up three boxes, of which he ate at least half.  I'm happy to report that he grew up to be a strapping big and very good football player.  I like to think I contributed a little.  

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