Monday, March 9, 2020

trying something new

I met some high school friends for lunch today.  I mean friends I went to high school with a few? years ago not friends who are in high school now.  It was an interesting lunch. Of the five of us sitting around the table, two had had joint replacements, one was being treated for cancer, one had suffered the recent loss of a loved one and one was legally blind.  Yet, with a few brief references to the physical or emotional situations, most of the conversation revolved around travel, places we have enjoyed living, fun recent experiences and lots of wise cracks.  One thing that gave the three women a boost was a comment from our legally blind friend that he couldn't see if we had wrinkles or not.  Always a siver lining!  Also. to add to the positive experience, the food was very good.  We ate at a little restaurant called Ziffles where I had never eaten before.  They specialized in ribs and other things BBQ'd and it was all delicious.  I have friends and family who live very near this restaurant and have never suggested it to me.  Maybe they are trying to keep this deliciousness all to themselves, or maybe, as I seriously suspect, they know what a mess I make of myself while eating ribs. They would probably be embarrassed to be seen with me.  One of the men there today commented that he once had a rib slip out of his fingers and slide all the way down the front of his shirt.  I failed to see what he thought was unusual about that.

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