Saturday, March 28, 2020

party time

I went to a cocktail party this evening.  It was a bring your own drink party and was hosted by our pastor, by Zoom of course.  25 of us gathered on my computer screen (and everyone elses, I presume.)  I must say it was the most relaxed cocktail party I've ever been to.  No fancy clothes, no pinchy high heels, no make up, no fresh manicure, no worry about driving after dark or after drinking.  I simply brought my glass of wine to my desk, clicked the link on my laptop, and hey, presto I was at the party.  It was actually promoted as a "Sip and Share" party.  I'm not sure if Presbyterians do cocktail parties.  One participant had discovered how to put a false screen behind her and it looked like she was on the beach somewhere.  Nice! The rest of us just looked like we were sitting around in our living rooms.  Lots of good conversation, some laughs, and when the party was over I was magically back in my livingroom.  Really not too bad.  i could host a party like that and I wouldn't even need to clean.  Always a silver lining.

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