Monday, March 23, 2020

No pets, please.

Today is National Puppy Day.  How sweet is that?  I've been amused by posts I've seen on Facebook and TV about how much dogs are enjoying having their families at home with them all day, every day.  I'm sure my granddogs - Stella, Wallace and Perry, are loving being out of their kennels all day. Sleeping on the couch all day is so much different from sleeping on their beds.  Speaking of beds, the dogs have another great bed of their own these days.  It has been their habit to sleep with my daughter and son-in-law which makes for a very crowded bed.  These puppies weigh an average of 80 pounds each.  
Recently, my grandson moved into an apartment with some friends.  His parents, in the grand tradition of empty (or almost empty) nesters everywhere, wasted no time in converting his bedroom into an office.  In the process they donated a bed frame and box springs.  The mattress they moved into their bedroom, and ever since, the three dogs have been content to sleep on that mattress.  Maybe it still smells like boy.  They had dog beds but those were never seen as a place to sleep by the dogs. 
So, pets and people together.  Another silver lining.  Except for cats.  Cats treasure alone time. 

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