Saturday, March 14, 2020

Please pass the pie.

Sorry about the typos in yesterday's memoir blog.  It was the first draft.  But enough about yesterday.  Today is Pi Day.  I also just learned that it's National Potato Chip Day.  Something to munch on while you're thinking about Pi.  But back to Pi Day.  This is not the apple, blueberry or cherry varieties, but instead the mathematical 
type. Pi is 3.1415926...and on and on and on; the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter.  But I know you remember that from high school math.  Google (that font of infinite information) has a long list of ways Pi is used in everyday life.  I leave that to you to look up on your own.  I know you have time with so many things being cancelled or closed.  Just today my church was cancelled for tomorrow (I can live stream the sermon in my pajamas) and the play I've been rehearsing for, which was scheduled to open in mid-April, has been rescheduled to run in September.  The positive there is that I have more time to memorize my lines; some long speeches because Shakespeare never used two words where 25 would do. I checked out six books from the library before it closed this week, and bought groceries - including toilet paper - so I can easily survive semi-isolation / inactivity for a week or so.  My big project right now is organizing my paperwork to have my taxes done later this week,  I keep waiting but I haven't heard that the due date for taxes has been postponed. Seems to me someone should care about the health and welfare of those IRS employees.  

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