Monday, March 30, 2020

phone calls

My assignment today, if I chose to accept it (I had already said I would) was to call ten church members to see how they are getting along and if they need any help.  We have volunteers ready to pick up groceries, etc.  This is an outreach effort by our church to make sure no member is in trouble.  Interestingly, almost everyone was home when I called and had plenty of time to talk.  Most of the people I spoke with are in their 70s or older.  One of my favorite conversations was with a 94 year old lady who still lives alone.  Her daughter and son-in-law are making sure she has everything she needs.  She has learned to access the live steam Sunday services on her computer and sounded incredibly upbeat.  I want to be just like her when I grow up.
Another member I called is a single mom, trying to work from home and take care of four sons ages 3-18.  It was an interesting contrast.  She was glad I called and we talked for several minutes.  I think she needed adult conversation.  Afterwards I thought that if a person has to be 'home alone' it's much easier to be truly alone and retired.  Another silver lining I think.

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