Tuesday, March 24, 2020

more thoughts about pets

Wouldn't you think that the day after National Puppy Day might be National Kitten Day?  But no, today is only National Chocolate Covered Rasin Day.  Now I, personally, have nothing against rasins (chocolate covered or otherwise), but they are not as cute as kittens. I did play the part of a dancing rasin once but that's another story.  For the last several years of my pet owning life I had cats.  I had a large house with plenty of room for them to roam around and my cats were always clean and easy to take care of.  And, contrary to some peoples opinions, quite cuddly and affectionate.  I never had more than three at a time, and that only happened when my newly divorced daughter moved home with my two grandchildren and two grandcats.  Funny thing, when she remarried, she and the kids moved into a house with her new (wonderful) husband but the cats got left behind.  Ah well.  They didn't seem to mind at all.
Today it occured to me, in a moment of weakness, that this would be a good time to have a cat, since I'm spending a lot of time at home.  A cat would be good company.  Lucky for me, before I got too carried away with this daydream, all the very good reasons why I don't need a cat in my life at this time came rushing back into my brain.  1. I like to travel and would need to arrange for cat care. 2. There is no good place in my apartment for a litter box.  3. If my cat got on my 10th floor balcony and decided to try to walk on the railing the results could be disasterous.
I even thought I would watch the available rescued pets segment on the Tuesday noon news and see if they featured a cat this week.  But the show was prempted by a press conference.  Saved by Coronavirus restrictions.  I could get a bird or a fish... but no, I think I will remain happily pet free.

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