Saturday, May 2, 2020

The rest of the story

I took my car in for some service work today because a mysterious trouble light had come on. A check on Google told me that the problem was something to do with my gear box. I left the car, got a ride home with a nice young shuttle driver and waited. By mid-afternoon I was getting anxious so I called to see if they had found the problem. No, I was told, they hadn't been able to get the light I reported to even turn on. I then texted them a picture I had taken of the light and they got busy. A few minutes later the nice lady in the sservice office called to tell me that my car doesn't have any sensor connected to the gear box and that the mysterious light was actually an indicator that the license plate bulb was burned out.  They checked and the bulb wasn't even burned out. So the nice shuttle driver came back and took me to my car, I was told there was no charge and I went on my merry and very relieved way. I didn't actually hear laughter as I drove away but I suspect they all had a pretty good chuckle at the old lady in the mask. I'm glad I had the picture or they really would have thought I was crazy.

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