Wednesday, July 7, 2021

a deep mystery

 Have you heard it?  Neither have I.  Have you felt it?  Neither have I.  Have you seen it?  Neither have I, but for many months now MamaJo has been working away, 24 hours a day, and today her work is done.  MamaJo, the huge drill that has been working beneath our city has finished a tunnel that runs almost five miles from the north east area of the city to the south west.  Digging her way in places from 100 to 220 feet deep, she has moved 14 million tons of material to create a tunnel that will help carry away millions of gallons of sewer water and prevent it from flowing into the rivers.  Even though MamaJo's job is done, sewage won't actually flow through that big tunnel until lesser sewer lines can be connected to it.  The estimate that I heard is that the whole system will be fully functioning in 2023.  You may be wondering why I'm bothering to write about this.  Well, I've been intrigued by this whole idea since the project started in 2018.  In fact, at an unexpected layover in Dallas (I don't even remember what trip I was on) I had a chance to talk with a gentleman who was waiting for the flight to Fort Wayne to work on the deep drilling project.  It sounded exciting then and I've been interested in it ever since.  Hooray for MamaJo!

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