Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Happy Birthday!

 Today is my baby brother's (aka my west coast brother's) birthday.  We will not dwell on how old he is, since he will always be 10 years younger than me.  Coincidentally, today is also Nap Day.  Our family is very fond of naps and it all started in our childhood.  My mother was 45 when my baby brother was born; she thought she was going through menopause, surprise!  My mother was a teacher and liked to keep my two year younger brother and myself on a schedule during summer vacation.  It really worked pretty well - weed the garden or other outside work in "the cool of the morning," a mid-morning snack (remind me to tell you about the sugar glazed donuts sometime). Some morning TV, usually Captain Kangaroo for my baby brother, lunch, time to play with the neighbors, outside of course, and always, right after lunch, a half-hour nap.  Actually we were told that this was for my baby brother who still needed a nap.  All we had to do was stay quietly in our bedrooms, reading or resting for 30 minutes.  I loved it and still try for a short nap after lunch when I'm at home.  It wasn't until I was a mother myself that I understood that our naps weren't just for us.  Clever mother!

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