Monday, July 26, 2021

I have the answer

 After reading yesterday's blog, my west coast brother informed me that I can buy an antigravity pill.  Available on Amazon for $250,000 but they only last for a minute and a half.  Somehow I think that's not the actual reason the Olympic gymnasts excel, but it certainly looks like they're flying.  But speaking of anti-gravity, if you had the price of a space flight on the new commercial 'space ships' would you go?  My answer is a resounding YES!  I was inspired by the 81 year old lady who went up a couple of weeks ago.  If she can do it, so can I.  There is a problem though.  Before I consider going, I have to have the price of two tickets.  My son has been dreaming about going into space ever since he attended Space Camp (just a few years ago). He would never forgive me if I went without him. But really, wouldn't a shared space flight be a great bonding experience? Perhaps I should start a go-fund-me page? 

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