Tuesday, July 27, 2021

I should have guessed.

 A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the problems I was having with the remote for my bedroom TV.  Today I finally had time to take it to Best Buy for a replacement if necessary.  A very nice young man looked it over, did the trick with his phone camera and showed me that the remote was working just fine.  I explained that I knew the TV was working, I could turn it on manually, but couldn't when I tried to use the remote.  He theorized that the sensor on the TV wasn't responding, showed me on one of their models where the sensor is located, and suggested that I unplug the set, give it a few minutes to do whatever magical things it would do internally, then plug it in and try again to turn it on with the remote.  Does this sound familiar to you?  On one of my jobs whenever I had computer difficulties our tech would suggest that I turn it off, then turn it on again.  It almost always worked.  And guess what?  It worked on the TV too.  So now I can once again watch the morning news before I get out of bed.  This is good, because if the news is something I really don't want to think about, I can turn off the TV, pull the covers up over my head, and hide from the world, at least for a little while.

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