Thursday, July 15, 2021

reaching here

 I am scraping the bottom of the proverbial barrel today.  Sometimes it is hard to think of something to write about.  Today, for example, is Gummi Worm Day and Orange Chicken Day.  I mean really, what can you do with that.  Given a choice, I would rather eat orange chicken (the Chinese dish) than gummi worms.  I am not a fan of anything that might slither down my throat.  A few weeks ago a news caster ate a chocolate covered cicada on TV.  She said it was crunchy and good.  I was not inspired to try it.  And speaking of cicadas, where are those 17 year cicadas everyone was talking about a month or so back?  I haven't even heard an ordinary cicada.  Usually by this time each summer, they are creating a cacophony of noise along the river, and when the frogs chime in it's quite a concert.  I'm still waiting...

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