Friday, July 2, 2021

zippy little sports cars

Today is Drive your Corvette to Work Day.  I would be delighted to drive my Corvette to work, if I had a Corvette, if I had a job, although I really do like being retired.  Once upon a time I drove my 1961 Corvair to work, before and after I rolled it over, for more than five years.  It was a fun little car (little for that time) and I did enjoy driving it, but it probably didn't compare to driving a Corvette.  The closest I've come to driving a Corvette was the summer when a friend and I took a trip out west driving her bright red 1967 Mustang.  It was a fun car to drive and could really zip along on the interstate.  That was the same car I got my first speeding ticket in, after being caught in a speed trap somewhere in Illinois on our way home from that trip.  it was also the first, and only, time that I had to appear in traffic court.  Since we were from out of state we had to go straight to court, along with about twenty other hapless drivers, and pay our fine on the spot.  It was a good thing we were on our way home because by the time we pooled all of our cash to pay the fine, $83.00, we didn't even have enough with us for gas.  The time in court did have it's humorous moment though.  The man in front of me in line tried to convince the judge that he hadn't been speeding.  Remember we had been caught in a speed trap (a police car on either side of a slight rise so the second car was out of sight).  The first policeman was using the radar gun, the second waving everyone over.  The man in front of me tried to convince the judge that he had only speeded up a little on the downhill slope.  I laughed to myself because I recognized him as the driver who had passed me on the uphill slope.  The judge did not buy his story.  I'm pretty sure he had heard that one before.

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