Saturday, July 24, 2021

Dinner Party

 I like hosting parties. Over the years my husband and I had several parties for Halloween, New Years, and more.  I even hosted my own 70th birthday party.  The date was 12-13-14 and I thought that was worth celebrating.  This evening I had a dinner party for my go-with guy and a couple we're friends with.  So only four people, easy peasy.  It was my turn.  This couple had had us to their house and GWG had hosted a picnic for all of us at his place.  All before the pandemic. The only problem this time was that I had several weeks notice and this was the first time they would have seen my apartment.  I might mention here that a sad side effect of cataract surgery is that you can see dirt.  I was motivated to clean.  Sort of spring house cleaning in July.  And I cleaned!  I even cleaned the drip pans on my stove.  Not a pretty job.  Did they notice? Probably not.  We did have a good time. They liked the food (a cold summer supper) if second and third helpings were any indication.  Then we sat on the balcony, and watched the sun set slowly behind the clouds.  Quite a pretty show and quiet entertainment.  They are easy conversationalists which is always a pleasure.  Will I do it again?  Of course.  But give me a while to catch my breath.  

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