Wednesday, July 28, 2021


 I have a few unrelated questions today like why do the male gymnasts get to wear long pants?  When does someone decide they want to be half of a synchronized diving team?  Is it like gymnastics where they start very young?  Hard to imagine.  But those aren't my most pressing question today.  This has nothing to do with the Olympics.  I've always wondered why people would send someone pictures of their nude body parts via any social media platform and then seem so surprised when they are suddenly exposed (pun intended) to the world.  This isn't quite like that, but I was amused today by the father who went on national news with his nine year old daughter by his side and announced that he planned to lie about her age so he could get a covid shot for her.  Now. believe me, I want everyone possible to get the covid vaccination.  But why would you go on national TV, with your child, and announce your plan to the world?  Don't you think someone might recognize them?

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