Tuesday, July 13, 2021

positive thinking

 From time to time I have published lists of things I will never ever do like bungie jumping and sky diving, but after watching America's Got Talent this evening I am faced with a totally different list of things I can't do vs things I don't want to do.  All my life I've been told to think positively and I can accomplish great things but the performers on AGT reinforce my positive assurance that there are some things I can not and was never meant to be able to do.  I mean I have always known that I can't sing or play a musical instrument.  If I wake up one day and can carry a tune I'll know I've died and gone to heaven.  But here are some new things to add to my 'can't do' list.  I cannot contort my body into pretzel shapes while swinging from a ring suspended high above the stage.  I cannot do amazing gymnastic flips while wearing five inch heels.  Truthfully, I can't even walk wearing five inch heels.  I cannot create the illusion of reading someone's mind or really read someone's mind.  I cannot play the drums while dressed like a chicken (but I really don't care about that one).  Actually I probably could do that act as well as the chicken man did.  How's that for thinking positively?

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