Tuesday, January 18, 2022

another icy story

 When my son was in high school he played in the jazz band with the show choir at his high school and the choir director was very strict about no absences.  It was a dark and icy evening, but he was determined to go to the scheduled rehearsal at his school, about eight miles away,  His father and I tried to convince him to stay home but he was adamant and we didn't realize how bad it really was.  He promised he would be careful and I watched from inside the house as he drove away.  As he hit the gas to accelerate out of our driveway he got on the road, spun completely around, and drove back into the driveway.  Parked his car and came inside.  He calmly announced that he had changed his mind and decided to stay home.  We accepted that without much comment except to say that we were glad he had changed his mind.  I don't think he ever knew that I had watched the whole event.  

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