Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Picture Day

 At rehearsal tonight we were told to dress up a little (look decent was, I think, the term that was used) because at tomorrow's rehearsal they want to take a group picture for promotional purposes.  I'm not too concerned about this because, since I'm tall, I usually end up in the back row, and, with luck, a little out of focus.  Since we've done all of our rehearsals wearing masks, I think it would be good if we wore them for the picture.  Just thinking about pictures does bring back memories of elementary school picture days, and high school for that matter.  Not my favorite memories.  The first school picture event I clearly remember was in first grade.  The memory is of me getting home after school and telling my mother that we had our pictures taken.  She was upset that I hadn't told her that it was going to be picture day.  Evidently children were responsible for things like that back then.  I think she said something about wanting to curl my hair.  I'm not sure how much that would have helped.  Thus began the years long saga of memorable, but mostly unfortunate, school pictures.

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