Monday, January 17, 2022

ice skating

 It was an excellent day not to go anywhere.  Since it was MLK Day, I didn't need to drive to the volunteer tutoring I do on Mondays, and for Covid reasons we had decided on a Zoom rehearsal, so I didn't have any reason to brave the ice.  The traffic I can see from my balcony was pretty much crawling all day.  They were reporting on the news about how many slide offs and crashes there were today.  Every one of those drivers has my sincere sympathy.  It is a sick feeling when your car starts heading off in the wrong direction, and I know all about turning into the skid, but sometimes that car just keeps on sliding.  Once, many years ago, when I still had to get up and drive to work each day, I was driving south on Clinton when conditions were icy.  I was going slowly and cautiously but when I tapped the brake for a red light, I felt my car start to slide.  Before I could do anything, I had done a 360 and found myself facing back the way I had just come.  Amazingly, there was no traffic in either direction.  I took it as a sign, and carefully drove back home.  Sometimes my guardian angel has to work overtime.

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