Friday, January 21, 2022

Does this mean I'm a looser?

 My favorite catalog came in the mail today, and one of the sweatshirt messages resonated with me.  It said "Some days I amaze myself. Other days I look for my phone while I'm holding it."  There's a commercial on TV currently that shows a man searching for his glasses while they are perched on top of his head.  I'm sure it's meant to be funny, but I fail to see the humor.  Does it seem to you that it's easier to loose things these days?  It may be because we have more stuff.  That's my theory.  I mean, it must have been harder to loose stuff when you lived in a one-room log cabin with minimal possessions, don't you think?  I live in a two bedroom apartment, really not that large, but I still spend time searching for my glasses (never on top of my head) and my phone and sometimes my keys.  Being black, my phone blends right in with my black desk top, so I always look there first.  But it isn't just glasses, phones and keys and it isn't always my fault.  For instance, my recliner eats pens and pencils.  They disappear, never to be seen again.  My sofa is pretty good at that too.  I suspect a furniture conspiracy.  I need to sign off now.  My recliner is trying to swallow my phone.  

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