Monday, January 24, 2022

It left me wondering...

 Today is National Peanut Butter Day.  It's also Talk Like a Grizzled Old Prospector Day, but I have no idea where to go with that.  Concerning peanut butter, which is one of my favorite sandwich fillers, there was an interesting report on one of the news shows this evening.  A man evidently threw an ice cream shake on a worker in a snack shop, somewhere in the western US, because he was angry that the shake he had bought earlier and taken home had made his little son so ill that he had to be taken to the emergency room.  The child is ok.  The man had supposedly told the 'shakista' that his son was allergic to peanuts and was upset to discover peanuts in the shake he took home.  After everyone calmed down there was an informal inquest.  In her defense, the shake maker said that he had ordered a peanut butter shake.  Makes me wonder what he thinks goes into peanut butter?

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