Thursday, January 6, 2022

it's finally cold enough

 You know how sometimes you're pushing your cart through the grocery store and unexpected things (often covered with chocolate) just jump into your cart?  Well, sometimes, something similar can happen in other stores. Last March, for example, I was walking through Kohl's when a beautiful winter coat reached out and grabbed me.  I had been thinking about getting a new winter coat since my 15 year old all weather rain coat is beginning to look a little tired.  This new coat, on sale because it was the end of the winter season, is a down filled Lands End dark charcoal gray, full length coat, with a fur edged hood, that fits like it was just made for me.   And it was on sale for half price.  Obviously I bought it.  How could I resist?  However, this winter I was beginning to feel like my friend who bought a new snow blower and hadn't seen any snow.  In case you don't know, a down filled coat is very, very warm.  Until today, this has been a rather mild winter.  But today, oh happy day, I had to go out this morning when the temperature was in the teens.  My new coat felt wonderful.  But, now that I've satisfied my longing to wear my wonderful new coat, we can skip the rest of winter and just head for spring.  I mean, if it doesn't snow for Christmas, do we really need more winter?

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