Saturday, January 22, 2022

cleaning up around here

 My mother, who was a wonderful person with lots of interests, firmly believed that the time to clean house was when company was coming.  I am happy to report that, thanks to a fair number of visitors, my mother and I (following in her footsteps) managed to keep a semi-decent home.  There is a sign in our elevator advertising an apartment cleaning service (once, weekly, by-weekly or monthly) but so far I have resisted the temptation.  As you may gather by this rant, I was faced with apartment cleaning today because I have a gaggle of friends coming over tomorrow afternoon.  I did manage to finish my chores but it was a close thing.  The thing is, I have become spoiled by my Roomba.  Today, because I needed to get several things done quickly, I set the Roomba loose in the guest bedroom while I vacuumed the living room the old fashioned way.  It worked ok but I had forgotten about the dreaded cord.  I didn't fall down, quite, but I did managed to tangle the cord around my feet several times. I am resolved to plan ahead better and let the Roomba do all of the vacuuming from now on.  It's just a matter of giving it time to recharge its little battery between jobs.  It really is a marvelous little machine.  Now if I could just teach it to hop up and vacuum the furniture, and whisk a feather duster over the shelves all would be well.  Hmmm??? Sounds like a cleaning service, doesn't it?

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