Monday, January 10, 2022

make it look good

 Today is National Clean off Your Desk Day.  I must admit this is not so much of a problem now that I'm retired as it was when I was working.  Once, long ago, when I was the relocation manager in a real estate office, I took a picture of my desk because it had become so stacked up with files and other papers that I couldn't see the surface.  I promised myself that it would never get that bad again, and I cleared it all off and filed things away.  I think I managed to keep it semi clear for a week or two.  I even read an organization guide called "File It, don't Pile It." That's a great idea if you have enough file cabinets.  But desks aren't the only things that get stacked up.  There have been times in my life when floors, tables and countertops in my house were piled with papers.  Mind you, I didn't live alone at that time.  There were several contributors to the muddle.  I admit to clearing spaces off before company came by putting everything in paper bags and putting those on top of the washer and dryer, which were in a utility room with a door I could close.  I was never so desperate as to stash things in the oven but I knew a friend who resorted to that solution.  When I was selling real estate I saw some pretty creative efforts to clean houses.  In one house, the listing agent had evidently told the sellers to clear off the kitchen counters, but I don't think the agent mentioned that they should wash the dishes.  When we toured the house (at a Realtor's open house) the kitchen counters were cleared off, but the sink was piled with so many dirty dishes, pots and pans, that the stack touched the ceiling.  It was an amazing (disgusting but amazing) engineering feat.  

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