Sunday, January 2, 2022

House guests

 Or in my case, apartment guests.  Two friends (since high school, so old friends) spent this weekend with me to celebrate the new year.  The whole visit involved some cleaning and cooking and a lot of running around, and I'll admit it, I heaved a sigh and relaxed into my recliner for a nice nap after they left this afternoon.  This evening I was flipping through the channels (I do have that much energy left) and happened on the Downton Abbey movie about the visit to their place of the king and queen of England.  I'm feeling now that I may have skimped a little on my guests.  I did not serve them a seven course meal, although they did seem to enjoy the chili and nachos.  I did not polish the silver nor bring out the good crystal.  You can't use what you don't have.  Nor did I serve fine port and brandy.  Same reason.  We made do with sparkling grape juice, but it was a good vintage.  All in all, we managed to ring in the new year without any disasters, which is more than I can say for these Downton Abbey folks.  Cheerio, everyone.  

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