Sunday, January 16, 2022

mask envy?

 Or maybe mask confusion? My regular readers know that I am a fan of mask wearing. For the obvious reason - they cover a lot of wrinkles - but also because, in church I can sing out while hoping no one can hear me.  After social hour I can cover up and not offend anyone with coffee breath.  I have quite a fine collection of masks starting with one I made from a sock way back when this pandemic first started, some crafted by my sister-in-law, some paper surgical ones, and some very cute ones from Vera Bradley.  But none of them are the new suggested best kind, the N95 (made in the USA) kind.  I noticed at church this morning that several people were wearing the new masks, so I suppose I should too.  But now the question is should I get the kind with two straps that go around my head or the kind that loop over my ears?  The straps that go around my head don't make my ears stick out as much.  You know what I'm really hoping, and my main motivation for buying the new style masks, is that, as soon as I buy them, the pandemic will be over.  I know, ridiculous right?  But hey, it's certainly working for my friend who bought the new snow blower last year.  Speaking of which, I saw a truck with a snow plow on its front driving down the road Saturday looking hopeful. It was just sad.  

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