Sunday, January 9, 2022

soup sipping, continued....

 According to my younger brother, who is ten years younger than I am, he was taught to spoon soup away from himself, across the bowl.  Maybe I wasn't paying attention when this lesson was taught but I think, and my brother agrees with me, that this was a lesson he learned from our Polish step-mom.  My dad and she married when I was grown and living away from home, so I didn't have the advantage of her training in European etiquette.  I'm surprised she didn't say anything when she ate with us at my house, (she tended to be rather outspoken about the way things should be done) but perhaps I lucked out and never served soup when she visited.  Alas, I shall probably go through the rest of my life, spooning my soup the wrong way, but I promise you I won't slurp it.  I do have some couth. 

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