Thursday, January 20, 2022

Say Cheese!

 Today is National Cheese Lovers Day.  Coincidentally, but happily, I was able to celebrate with a deliciously cheesy sea food casserole at lunch at the Oyster Bar.  I hadn't been to the Oyster Bar for a very long time but I certainly hope to get back again soon.  Today is also Penguin Awareness Day.  I'm pretty sure that I'm aware of penguins.  I mean, I think I would notice if I saw some slip sliding down the St. Mary's River, which, by the way, is beginning to look like a skating rink.  It's funny to see night time reflections on the water that just sit there, no ripples.  I do like penguins, I mean they are very cute, and I'm happy to report that there were no penguins in the sea food casserole.  

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