Friday, January 14, 2022

Don't try this at home.

 Today is National Dress Up Your Pet Day.  I don't recommend it.  I will admit that I have seen several dogs in the elevators here (especially tiny short-haired ones) sporting warm looking sweaters in the winter.  I can only assume these dogs are smart enough to appreciate an extra layer of warmth.  Or they are smart enough to figure out that no one will take them outside unless they cooperate.  I commented to one dog owner, on a snowy day two years ago, that her little plaid clad dog should also have boots.  Her heartfelt response was "Oh MG, no! Then I would never get him to come inside."  So, while some dogs may be willing to cooperate, cats are not.  I learned that lesson when I was about five years old.  As for dressing up other pets, the only ones I can think of who might cooperate are monkeys, maybe.  I have never had, or wanted, a monkey for a pet, so I really don't know.  Parrots? No.  Hamsters? No. Goldfish?  Maybe a mermaid outfit but I don't think so.  

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