Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Game on...

 A few days ago I introduced my husband to the game Quiddler and he really likes it.  It's a word game, similar in some ways to Scrabble, which we also like.  I should explain here that it's our habit to play a game in the evening as a way to relax after a long day of unpacking boxes or trying to merge more of our stuff.  I'm happy to report that I have managed to fit most of my books into the available shelf space, but I'm never quite sure what I'll find in any particular box.  Today, for example, I found several games.  Mostly games are stored on shelves in the basement here so I had set some apart in a box, to be taken downstairs.  Naturally my spouse wanted to browse through the box.  He was impressed by my complete set of mahjong tiles that came from China.  Thankfully, he didn't suggest we learn to play that.  He did get intrigued by my Chinese Checkers board though and we decided to give that a try.  We refreshed our knowledge of the game, chose our colors and had a good game.  I won this time, but not by much.  Who knows what tomorrow might bring?

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