Thursday, March 14, 2024

Run, little rodent!

 Have you ever watched a gerbil or hamster or pet mouse run on a wheel.  They run and run and run without ever getting anywhere. Today I felt like I was in a similar situation.  First I received an 'urgent' email warning that I was late on a payment on a credit card.  I did not click on to that email but I did log on to the credit card site, where I always make my payments. and discovered that my next payment was due April 8 (not late by my calendar) but they seemed, indeed, to think I was late, so I decided to go ahead and make a payment.  I pushed all the usual buttons (several times) but kept getting the message that they were unable to process my payment at this time.  Finally, after several attempts (my spouse even got involved) I decided I would just phone the company and make a payment over the phone.  So I found the phone number, made the call, answered all their robo questions to properly identify myself, and finally got a message that their customer service people could no longer accept payments over the phone.  I stopped trying before I tore all my hair out.  I will try again before April 8.  In the meantime, my husband found the perfect way to calm my nerves.  We took our first trip to Zesto's for the year.  Yum!

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