Monday, March 18, 2024

part two..

You may have thought, like me, that once Saint Patrick's Day was over there would be nothing left to celebrate, unless you insist on finishing off the green beer.  But, surprise!  There was an even better follow up.  For some reason, my spouse and I had mentioned soda bread and soda crackers over the last couple of days while finishing up some very dry crackers from a Christmas gift basket.  No, they weren't stale, just dry. Today, while shopping at Kroger's, my clever husband came upon something in the bakery section called Irish Soda Bread, which was half price on the day after SPD.   He was curious, since we had been talking about soda bread, so he bought a loaf.  It is a dense moist bread studded with bits of fruit (but not heavily, like fruit cake) with a sugar coated crust.  Very good with butter.  Did I mention the sugar crust?  I think it's time for my bedtime snack.

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